Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fun!Raising Fair for Black Liberation and Community Development


3rd Annual Fun!Raising Fair, to benefit Black Liberation and Community Development in the Philadelphia Region, sponsored by the Philadelphia RC Communities

(If you're looking for the PLASTISAURUS story, skip a few blog entries down.)

Germantown Friends School, 31 West Coulter Street, between Germantown Avenue and Greene Street.

Performances by Chosen Dance and other local groups, plus games + crafts + music + fun

COST: Pick your sliding scale donation: $5 to $50 at the door.

Call 215-848-6496 for tickets or info, or just show up!

Come learn-talk-share about our history-culture-ideas about ending racism.

Humans of all backgrounds, ages, and beliefs are welcome!!!

This unusual spring fair is organized and run by a dedicated and diverse group of people, of all ages, social, and racial backgrounds, to raise money for Black Liberation and Community Development Work. Our goal is to create a space for people of all kinds to have an enjoyable afternoon, to play, eat good food, try crafts and games, and see performances by a great dance company and other local artists.

The funds raised by this event will go directly towards scholarships, travel and other financial support of Black Liberation projects and workshops for people in our neighborhoods. Your attendance at this event will help us reach our goals, build relationships, and celebrate our communities.

All are welcome and invited to come learn, talk, share, play, and explore what life is like when people of all kinds have fun together!

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